OCUICAR Consulting, LLC is a company established in the state of Georgia, USA. Made up of a staff of experienced and certified specialists in different areas of business development seeking to provide practical solutions to their processes.

Professional and business consulting and advice service in the Administrative, Tax, Costs, Industrial Safety, Projects, Human Resources, Engineering, Technology, commerce and much more.

Our founder and leader is Orlando Cuicar Ortiz; who is a Public Accountant graduated from the University of Zulia 2005 and has a Master’s degree in business management graduated from the same university in 2013. Author of the book industrial costs published by editorial el cid editores Argentina 2009, Quality of services for private education companies Spanish academic publishing house 2018, contributor to the book Global corporate finance publisher Tax application Argentina 2016 author Mario perossa, has participated in events as an exhibitor in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Uruguay and Venezuela, founder of the Celuz Venezuela Institute, partner of the accounting firm Cuicar Rios & associate in Venezuela, business and organizational consultant in more than 5 Latin American countries including the United States of America.

Our team has satisfied the requirements of multiple clients such as:

✓ Venezuela: Shell, Peremco, Festo, Banesco.

✓ Panama: Telecon Solutions.

✓ Colombia: Ecopetrol, Chamber of Commerce of La Guajira.

✓ Ecuador: PetroAmazonas, Petroecuador.

✓ Uruguay: Fondes, Ancap, Conaprole, Teleaudioshop.

✓ United States: Fusion Grill, Walmart, CITGO.

We have served more than 400 companies and government entities.

EEUU: Inter-American Inspection & Certification Bureau

Panama: HAACI

Uruguay: CAPTE, Inacoop

Venezuela: Institute CELUZ Venezuela

A step forward

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