The Training Division seeks to offer business and professional society training plans such as courses, workshops, seminars and conferences; offering quality of service, academic excellence and useful training plans for companies, institutions and professionals in general.

Workshops, Conferences, diplomas, training programs, specializations) and in-company (personalized courses for companies and small groups of participants)

Conference on Personnel Supervision dictated by our founder in Uruguay

Main training topics

Administrative, Costs, Finance Area

  • Tax preparation
    Quality cost
    Elaboration of cost structures
  • Budget formulation and evaluation
    Formulation and evaluation of projects
    Balance Score Card
  • Interpretation of manuals and standards in the area of ​​costs and budgets for the public and / or private sector
  • Credit and collections management
  • Financial management for SMEs
  • Finance for Engineers
  • Introduction to project management
  • Implementation of the ISO 9001 standard
  • Design of quality manuals under the ISO 9001 standard
    Agricultural valuation and appraisal
  • Management indicators by processes
  • Unit Price Analysis and Break-even Point
  • Internal Audit and Control
  • Formulation of Endogenous Development Projects
  • Formulation and Economic Evaluation of Projects
  • Activity Based Cost Management (ABC)
  • Inventory Management and Material Deposits
  • Management of Internal Quality Audit
  • Production and Maintenance Management
  • Analysis of financial statements
  • Projected Cash Flow
  • Preparation of Financial Statements for banks
  • Finance for Non-Financial.
  • Labor Obligations for companies
  • Elaboration of projected cash flows
  • General Accounting Aspects
  • Analysis of administrative procedures
  • Design of administrative manuals
  • Project Financial Management
  • Credit and Collection Management
  • Management Indicators and Balanced Scorecard
  • Business Simulation with Excel
  • Analysis of financial statements
  • Elaboration of projected cash flows
  • Design of manuals of administrative norms and procedures

Personal Resources Area

  • Supervision of staff
  • Handling Difficult Employees
  • Motivation and self-esteem of the staff
  • How to select and fire the worker
  • Teamwork
  • Supervisory Skills
  • Strategic Management
  • Introduction to Supervision
  • Supervisor planning, delegation and control
  • Decision making and problem solving
  • Proactive monitoring, new trends
  • Ethics and managerial values
  • Successful women and executives
  • Organizational climate measurement
  • Job performance evaluation techniques
  • Conflict negotiation techniques
  • Formation of high performance work teams
  • Family system one approach
  • Detection of Training Needs
  • Managerial Coaching
  • NLP

carrying out Teaching, Training and Education Activities for adults within a face-to-face and / or distance study regime under the modality of courses, seminars, workshops, conferences, congresses, symposia, training programs, Diplomas and other forms of training that allow Through its programmatic structure, provide participants with the theoretical-practical knowledge necessary to promote, maintain, qualify, improve, update and insert trained personnel or to be trained in the performance of a trade or job for the benefit of the community

Orlando Cuicar founder

We have a network of academic allies that can offer you a valuable tool when preparing your business training plan

Inventories – Logistics

  • Effective inventory management
  • Inventory Management and Cyclical Counting
  • Logistics and International Transportation
  • Purchase management

Construction and Civil Works

  • Budgets for Construction Projects
  • Price variation in works contracts using polynomial formulas.
  • Unit price analysis with
  • Electrician training
  • Solar Panel installer

Oil Area – Hydrocarbons

  • Oil Well Financial Management
  • Quantification and Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves
  • Financial management of oil wells
  • Value chain in the Oil industry
  • Artificial lift of Crude Oil
  • Crude Measurement Uncertainty Estimation
  • Integrated Management of Reservoirs
  • Oil well drilling
  • Competition and reconditioning of wells.
  • Technical Assistant in drilling and production of oil wells.
  • Gas Technical Assistant
  • Pipeline inspection (non-destructive testing)
  • Basic Pipeline Operations
  • Drilling fluids.
  • Well Cementation.
  • Reservoir Engineering.

Industrial security area

  • Basic Occupational Health and Safety.
  • Identification of Hazardous Processes and Action Procedures.
  • Prevention of Accidents and Occupational Diseases.
  • Teams of protection personal and collective.
  • Road safety
  • Ergonomics (Basic Fundamentals)
  • Personal Growth (Oriented to Occupational Health and Safety)
  • Work stress. (Identification, Prevention and Management).
  • Notification of Risks and Induction to Work (How to do them)
  • Behavior Based Safety. (SBC)
  • Behavior Based Safety for Supervisors.
  • Preparation of Risk Analysis at Work (ART)
  • Research of work accidents.
  • Identification of Psychosocial Risks
  • Training of Safety, Hygiene and Environment Professionals.
  • Basic Safety, Hygiene and Environment
  • Management of Environmental Permits and Authorizations.
  • Basic Environmental Protection
  • Strategies for Conservation and Protection of the Environment in Industry.
  • Leadership in Industrial Safety.
  • Emergency Plans (Contingency)
  • Preparation of Risk Notifications (under legal and security requirements)
  • Basic Safety, Hygiene and Environment.
  • Training of Technicians in Safety and Professional Health.
  • Preparation of Safety, Hygiene and Environment Manuals.
  • Training of Supervisors in Safety, Hygiene and Environment.
  • Training of Inspectors in Safety, Hygiene and Environment.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management.
  • Technical Fundamentals of Security.
  • Leadership in Occupational Risk Prevention
  • Identification and Evaluation of Occupational Risks
  • Occupational Health and Safety for Petroleum Operations
  • Security Inspections
  • Vehicle Driving Safety (Light Fleet): Defensive Driving
  • Ergonomic Evaluation of Jobs.
  • Environmental Management in Modern Industry.
  • Management Tools for Comprehensive Protection Management.
  • Environmental management in Modern Industry: strategies for the protection and conservation of the environment.
  • Auditor in prevention of occupational risks OSHAS


  • Industrial equipment operator
  • Forklift operator
  • Packaging operator
  • Warehouse operational information system

Marketing and sales

  • Marketing and sales
  • Customer orientation
  • Client retention
  • Motivation to achieve the sales team.
  • Using social media for sales
    Coaching for sales teams
    Market analysis

Our team has the experience you need to strengthen your human talent